通过pip install mysqlclient时报出了OSError: mysql_config not found错误,如图: image.png 原因是linux需要mysql相关的一些依赖包 yum install mysql-devel gcc gcc-devel python-devel image.png 安装完毕后就可以正常pi


@Bonus05 that does not work in Alpine.. @keyban I was able to work around it by doing something like this:. RUN apk --no-cache add --virtual build-dependencies \ build-base \ py-mysqldb \ gcc \ libc-dev \ libffi-dev \ mariadb-dev \ && pip install -qq -r requirements.txt \ && rm -rf .cache/pip \ && apk del build-dependencies RUN apk -q --no-cache add mariadb-client-libs

1 Complete output from command python setup.py egg_info: 2 /bin/ sh: 1: mysql_config: not found 3 Traceback 在centos上部署的时候pip install mysqlclient的时候报错OSError: mysql_config not found,由于我执意要安装mysql而,所以就在mysql的yum源安装了,但是mysql_config 找不到,所以导致mysqlclient安装不上,centos需要再安装下面这些依赖就可以有mysql_config了. 在centos上部署的时候pip install mysqlclient的时候报错OSError: mysql_config not found,由于我执意要安装mysql而,所以就在mysql的yum源安装了,但是mysql_config 找不到,所以导致mysqlclient安装不上,centos需要再安装下面这些依赖就可以有mysql_config了. yum install mysq Stack Overflow Public questions & answers; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Jobs Programming & related technical career opportunities 通过pip install mysqlclient时报出了OSError: mysql_config not found错误,如下 解决办法 报错截图 一般情况是系统没有安装libmysqld-dev 执行 sudo apt install libmysqld-dev完成安装后再 pip install mysqlclient就可 I found downloading Pattern from source allows you to use Pattern without worrying about SQL, until you actually need to use the database feature. 👍 3 Copy link Quote reply Как устранить ошибку «OSError: mysql_config not found» во время развертывания Elastic Beanstalk? Проблема Я пытаюсь развернуть очень простое приложение на Elastic Beanstalk с небольшой серверной частью базы данных. in mysql_config raiseenvironmenterror(%s not found % (mysql_config.path,))oserror:mysql_config not found此时需要安装 libmysqlclient-dev 即可sudo apt installlibmysqlclient-dev2. pymssql 安装错误traceback (most recent call last): file , line 1,in file tmppip-download-qa2zmm8zpymssqlsetup.py, 错误信息: EnvironmentError: mysql_config not found 解决办法: 然后再次 Matt_Z_ 阅读 325 评论 0 赞 0 mac用pycharm安装MySQLdb时:EnvironmentError: mysql_c リポジトリの標準でないバージョンにmysqlを入れたいとき、mysql-community-serverを入れることはよくあると思います。 その関連でひっかかったエラーを忘備録として残します。(あんまりググっても引っかからなかったので OSError: mysql_config not found.

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Installing specific package versions with pip. it fails with "OSError: mariadb_config not found" Wouldn't it be good to be able to install the package without this dependency (outside the package delivered files)? /bin/sh: mariadb_config: not found Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *. Comment Pip install mysqlclient on Amazon linux gives OSError: mysql_config not found. May 4, 2018. May 4, 2018.

Apr 12, 2020 What can I do to fix this? Chris : The error message is pretty clear: OSError: mysql_config not found. You need 

pip3 install mysqlclient 报错OSError: mysql_config not found command python setup.py egg_info: /bin/sh: 1: mysql_config: not found Traceback (most recent  Jan 14, 2012 error when I was trying to install MySQL-python. The solution is bit tricky.

OSError:mysql_config not found installing python mysqlclient Problems with the Mac OS X version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related. Forum rules

Oserror mysql_config not found

Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Unable to install python mysqlclient - OSError: mysql_config not found. Ask Question Asked 1 year, 11 months ago. Active 1 year ago. Viewed 4k times 2.

That is because mysql_config is in another package than mysql-server. You can install the needed package (Example on a Debian/Ubuntu system): OSError: mysql_config not found.
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Oserror mysql_config not found

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This applies pretty much across the board with linux, and is not related to python. OSError: mariadb_config not found.
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原文:OSError: mysql_config not found. 上次在部署阿里云安装Centos 里 pip install mysqlclient 是 一直报 OSError: mysql config not found 这个错,上网百度了半天终于找到了解决的办法 yum install mysql devel gcc gcc devel python devel 安装这个在pip install mysqlclient 就可以了

From the Github issue: There are lines in mysql_config like following: Unable to install python mysqlclient - OSError: mysql_config not found. Ask Question Asked 2 years ago.